How do you feel about the side effects of your medications knowing pharmacogenomics affects your wellness?
Peregrine WORx is here to help!
Why Work With Us
Personalized For You
Did you know that while your physician is qualified to practice medicine, they may or may not fully understand how the prescription interacts with the body? Peregrine WORx was born of the idea that in order to properly address the condition we must first assess the whole story. We then ask the questions; are the options presented the best medications utilizing real world evidence and practice in pharmacogenomics (PGx)?
What we offer is the empathy and understanding that we are each unique in our composite, and as such, we utilize the information gained from these tests to better guide your medicinal path on choices and options to enable healing and promote health rather than combating side effects.
We believe Peregrine WORx can help assess the needs and provide solutions that do not impair the quality of life but rather provide longevity and comfort to live your best life possible.
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