Concierge Services for Precision Medicine
Why Peregrine WORx?
What if your medical service was not “One-size-fits-all?
Peregrine WORx offers a concierge medical service taking the WHOLE picture into consideration; medication, nutrition, and lifestyle optimization specializing in pharmacogenomics. The WHOLE human experience.
I have personally seen many medical issues that stem from too many medications or worse, the wrong medication. Due to the focus on unhealthy beds in the hospital system, there is little bandwidth to correct the issues. Their immediate solution is to apply a “bandaid” to the signs and symptoms rather than addressing the whole person. Most is lost in transition of care leaving the patient unempowered. Local pharmacies are too swamped or face closing and are unable to serve their patients effectively.
Peregrine WORx was born of the idea that we could help patients providing solutions encompassing the whole picture of the person. Lifestyle, diet, activity, stress, and medications; Peregrine WORx provides solutions with as little invasion to the body as possible, and with the best possible outcomes in quality of life.
Concierge Services
Comprehensive Medication Review
You are taking that many medications?
Are you currently taking multiple medications? It's not uncommon, as statistics show that an average of 66% of Americans are prescribed medications for monthly use. In fact, the average person is managing a monthly regimen of four medications.
While doctors excel at diagnosing patients by conducting tests and asking key questions, they often rely on pharmacists to navigate the complexities of medications. It's important to recognize that many medications are not a one-size-fits-all solution, despite performing well in clinical trials.
Here's where the power of your genetics comes into play. Your unique genetic makeup determines how your body interacts with medications. Some medications may work exceptionally well for you, while others may be metabolized too quickly, rendering them ineffective or resulting in excessive levels in breast milk. Additionally, certain medications may accumulate in your system, leading to unpleasant side effects. In response, doctors may prescribe additional medications to counteract these side effects, inadvertently introducing further complications into your life instead of improving it.
If you or someone you know, whether it's a friend or a family member, is experiencing these challenges, it's time to start a conversation. Reach out and together, we can explore personalized solutions tailored to your genetic profile. Let's pave the way for a better and more effective approach to your healthcare journey.
Provider Collaboration
The Trifecta Effect
This is about you. Healthcare is centered around the patient with the doctor and pharmacist working together to ensure the best outcomes possible. It took a long time to get here. Our solutions will not happen overnight. However, you can begin your path to wellness overnight by reaching to Peregrine WORx.
Genetic Testing
Only a Cheek Swab
There are several genetic laboratories that Peregrine WORx uses to assess your needs.
They vary from investigating a few enzymes involved in medication metabolism, to several distinct genetic differences, and all the way up to a huge panel that encompasses so much more.
Customization can be accomplished as well. Only a few insurance plans pay for these services and mostly in the Medicare Advantage plans. The upfront cost for this service will save you so much money in the long-term because you will know what works for you. This provides peace-of-mind year after year because your DNA doesn't change.
Once consent is provided by you, the cheek swab is sent out to the laboratory of choice. There will be a 2 week turn around on the results in most cases. Once the results are authenticated, that is when all of the information on medications, OTCs, food, and lifestyle are analyzed by Peregrine WORx.
Another meeting will take place to review all of the information with a detailed plan on how to address any recommendations to your therapy. It will be overwhelming in the beginning with all of the new information. However, you will feel empowered about your outlook on the current medication therapy and how it will change over time to improve your quality of life.